The start of the school year proved tougher than usual; a routine more difficult to establish. A routine, however, has now been semi-cemented, and, with afternoon practices now abolished, courtesy of the cooler weather (by Texas standards), I will find myself with more time to myself, though not necessarily more time to sit and type. This fall is going to be a busy one.
What's coming up:
- SAW Board meeting tomorrow night. They're still searching for a replacement for me as Web dude, but volunteers aren't exactly forthcoming. I may be coerced into staying on for another term, should some changes get made.
- Team pics at the pool on Wednesday, followed by a pasta party. Yea, pasta party!
- Duel in the Pool #2
- ITT & TTT at Gruene next weekend
- Help K--- & T--- move
- Proctor SAT on the 7th
- Pace the 4:30 finishers at the SA Marathon (I'll be running it Barney-style!)
- TISCA meet in Corpus
- Thanksgiving
Time to fly on out of here. More updates (including some retroactive posts of significant events in the past) will be posted, now that my computer is again fully functional -- and that blasted keyboard issue has been resolved.
Hope you have been doing well. Thanks for reading.