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Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's August?

Yeah, so old Time, it is a flying, and the month of August is nearly half-way done. What's worse is that I've returned to work on a mostly full time basis, already; contract time starts this Thursday.

Really, there's not much to report. I did finally break down and go see the SA Orthopedic Group about my ankle, which is kind of good. On the plus side, it is "only" severely sprained; no broken or fractured bones to be found. However, I was told not to run for 3-4 weeks; cross training (swim, bike, row) still OK. Physical therapy was supposed to have begun, but I have been unable to get in touch with Humana to see if my benefits cover that. A follow-up appointment is scheduled for Tuesday morning, so we'll see if all that PT was even necessary. Keep your fingers crossed; I am aching to go for a run.

Elsewhere, I've been busy with what was supposed to be a quick presentation on tips & tricks of School World, the software used by the district for updating Web sites. The bulk got knocked out in a "meh"-level Prezi, but then I got the bright idea to make up some videos for folk to refer back to later in the school year. Yeah, one week and who knows how many hours later, I think they're mostly done. All that remains to be done is get Scott to upload them to the district's YouTube channel and incorporate the links in Prezi. Then, I'll need to go back and make a few tweaks to Prezi. Good thing I've still a week until I have to present.

Kai continues to grow cuter every day. His personality is really starting to shine through in his smile, his laugh, and those beautiful blue eyes he got from his mother. Tired as I am, life is pretty darned good.

It's horribly late, and I need to go check on those file uploads in the other room. Go get some rest, yourself, and thanks for reading.