About This Blog

As time permits, in-depth musings on myriad subjects will be posted. Abbreviated adages will be announced via Twitter.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


As I hope to be up just past 4:00 tomorrow morning, I need to make this brief and get to bed, pronto.

Over the past few days, I've been toying around with a redesign of off242.com, the personal site/domain I've had since the late-90s, used primarily for experimenting in digital design. This go-around is making more use of CSS and stripping down the heavy code & content on the site. The new off242.com is to promote & showcase me. It's still a work in progress and will likely continue to be so for the next several weeks and/or months. Providing you didn't link to this blog from that site, pop on over there and take a look-see. Then, if you've some kudos or constructive criticism for me, drop a line and let me hear it.

With all that out of the way, I'm off to pack my swim bag and hit the hay. Yesterday morning's swim has me all jazzed about being back in the water. I hope to make this into a once or twice a week habit and maybe start getting back into some semblance of shape.

See you on deck, and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Looking good! On the "personal" tab, it looks like your link to the blog is misformatted, but I like the site. Very easy navigation. On another note, on this site, are your sidebars vibrating, or is that just me?