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As time permits, in-depth musings on myriad subjects will be posted. Abbreviated adages will be announced via Twitter.

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Feel for the Water

The past few weeks have been riddled with interesting swim experiences of my own. Here's how the past three Thursdays have gone:
  • 01/15 -- The heater in the Fiesta Trails gym broke, putting the temperature at a brisk, 72°. It was awesome.
  • 01/22 -- Heater fixed, water a miserable 88°. I maybe eeked out 1500m before succumbing to heat exhaustion. I am at a loss of words for the irony.
  • 01/29 -- Still waiting for a return call from the gym's corporate offices in Dallas over the serious health concerns with their pool temperature. In the interim, N--- went and renewed her membership at Chisolm Hall, the 5-lane, 25-yard pool on the campus of UTSA. Granted, it is difficult to find lane time until late in the evening, due to heavy utilization by swim clubs, but the pool is a constant 81°, just like a pool should be.
Last night was my first dip at Chisolm Hall in over a year, and a dip was more or less what it felt like. I quit timing myself and more or less just spent the time getting a feel for the water, focusing more on myriad techniques (back wasn't half bad, either); I felt g-o-o-d in the water. Arm turnover was much higher, and I felt like I floated farther with each stroke, with each kick, than I ever had at the gym. I'm still no Thorpedo, but I do feel a lot more confident about my swim prep than I have in a long while.

Speaking of swim prep, I need to head out to swim practice. The kiddos have their district meet tonight, and we're all pretty psyched. It's bittersweet, for me, but I'll explain that one another time. Until then, get back to bed. Do you have any idea of the time?

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nerdy English Teacher

Below is the transcript of an email exchange from the newsletter editor of the bike club:
> Yep. Except I think I accidently put an apostrophe in Starbucks
> (Starbuck's) where there shouldn't be one.

Although, really, shouldn't there be? As the corporation spells it, it implies more than one Starbuck. Yet, as the name of an establishment, it should be possessive, either singular or plural, given the two Starbucks of relative fame: 1) First mate of the Pequod; 2) Pilot in the Battlestar Galactica series (of which, there are also two, although the character's purpose remains the same). So, is the company wrong? And, if so, why? Was inserting the apostrophe that much extra work that some intern or ad rep could not completely comprehend because s/he didn't pay attention in English class? Or was it a cost issue (one extra character * infinitive coffee cups = a load of money)?

Bah, whatever. I'll get the new schedule formatted and uploaded in the next few days. For now, it is bedtime, for swim practice will, again, come early.
Apostrophe or no, thanks for reading.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Passing the Torch

Prayer to Saint Sebastian
(Patron of Athletes)

Dear Commander at the Roman Emperor's court, you chose to be also a soldier of Christ and dared to spread faith in the King of Kings, for which you were condemned to die. Your body, however, proved athletically strong and the executing arrows extremely weak. So another means to kill you was chosen and you gave your life to the Lord. May athletes be always as strong in their faith as their Patron Saint so clearly has been. Amen.

Thanks, D---...and thanks to all of you for reading.

Friday, January 02, 2009

A Whale of a Good Time

N---'s wanted me to add this picture for a long while, so, here goes:

The above was taken this past May in Corpus Christi, just after our running of the Beach to Bay and somewhat prior to my asking N--- to marry me. I thought it appropriate, now, given that 2009 is now well under way and that my 2+ week winter holiday is about to come to an end.

In spite of the mostly lousy weather and lack of fresh DVDs from Netflix, the holiday was a good one. During my break, I got much work done on miscellaneous projects (including grading!); visited, either in person or via telephone, with friends and family, near and far; got back on track with my training (okay, this week in Dallas has been somewhat of a wash, but it's my own <expletive> fault for not mapping out bike routes in McKinney before heading up here); got to see the Stars play at the AA Center in Big D (including rides on the light-rail system -- San Antonio so needs to get one of those); and welcomed in a new year. Busy, I know, but all in a couple of weeks' work for yours truly. Now I just need to get back to SA in order to get completely back in the swing of things.

It's after 12:30 in the morning, again, and I am still awake. I am hoping to get my sleeping back on somewhat of a regular schedule before too long; once back home, I cannot keep up with these late nights and early mornings.

It is hoped that the first 24+ hours of 2009 have been good to you and that the remaining 364 days are equally so. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Two Thousand and Nine

A new year has arrived, and, once again, I find myself at the home of N---'s parents in McKinney. But, my, the changes over the past two years.

This year is set to be mine & N---'s year. So much is in store for us, both respectively and collectively. N--- will complete her masters in chemistry; I, Ironman Coeur d'Alene. Shortly after N--- walks the stage in commencement of her degree, she will walk down the aisle for us to exchange our vows and become husband and wife. I count myself among the fortunate, the blessed for having been granted a second opportunity to make good on the greatest gift of all, love.

It is a long haul until December, though, and much must be done in preparation. Granted, the wedding should not be terribly complex, given our simplistic plans (we will not be like the couples featured on We Network's bridal shows -- oh, how glad I am to not have cable), but N--- has another semester of independent research, as well as another chemistry course to suffer through this fall. Leading up to all of that, I have many miles to swim, bike, and run in preparation for IM CdA, the first of which taking place in ten or twelve hours or so, as me, D---, and N--- go for a fast-paced stroll around White Rock Lake. But, before I can even get to that, I need to get to bed.

Happy New Year, and thanks for reading.