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Friday, January 30, 2009

A Feel for the Water

The past few weeks have been riddled with interesting swim experiences of my own. Here's how the past three Thursdays have gone:
  • 01/15 -- The heater in the Fiesta Trails gym broke, putting the temperature at a brisk, 72°. It was awesome.
  • 01/22 -- Heater fixed, water a miserable 88°. I maybe eeked out 1500m before succumbing to heat exhaustion. I am at a loss of words for the irony.
  • 01/29 -- Still waiting for a return call from the gym's corporate offices in Dallas over the serious health concerns with their pool temperature. In the interim, N--- went and renewed her membership at Chisolm Hall, the 5-lane, 25-yard pool on the campus of UTSA. Granted, it is difficult to find lane time until late in the evening, due to heavy utilization by swim clubs, but the pool is a constant 81°, just like a pool should be.
Last night was my first dip at Chisolm Hall in over a year, and a dip was more or less what it felt like. I quit timing myself and more or less just spent the time getting a feel for the water, focusing more on myriad techniques (back wasn't half bad, either); I felt g-o-o-d in the water. Arm turnover was much higher, and I felt like I floated farther with each stroke, with each kick, than I ever had at the gym. I'm still no Thorpedo, but I do feel a lot more confident about my swim prep than I have in a long while.

Speaking of swim prep, I need to head out to swim practice. The kiddos have their district meet tonight, and we're all pretty psyched. It's bittersweet, for me, but I'll explain that one another time. Until then, get back to bed. Do you have any idea of the time?

Thanks for reading.

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