- Morning run at 7:08 pace
- "Work"
- New shoes at Trisition Area
- Exchanged iPod Shuffle at Apple (they lost my appointment, so it took a tad longer than planned, but I now have a new Shuffle, also in red)
- Pop in to see N--- & her sister, dropping off CDs, sunglasses, and other stuff that N--- would need for her Friday training
- Paper grading at Borders
- Breakfast with J--- & J---
- "Work" (started packing up classroom [sniff.])
- Went with J--- to pick up a moving truck
- Laundry (Fridays rock!)
- Dinner & movie (Minority Report)
- Doggie Dash 5k (5th OA/1st AG)
- Ride with D--- (should have been 50-ish miles, but my fit on the bike wasn't feeling right; we capped at ~20)
- Refitting on the Cdale (saddle position was ~3cm too low!) & tuneup of N--'s Cdale at Bike Heaven
- Returning of Zoot Ultra Tempos to Tristion Area (sniff; I loved the way the foot strike felt but was unable to tolerate the blistering)
- Grocery shopping
- Washing of Buckbeak
- 70th birthday party/dinner with the folks
- Met N--- at home for a relaxing evening
Back at home, N--- is getting cleaned up from her win, the kitty is cozied up in my lap as I type this, and we've a pool party this afternoon at W--- & S---'s. Summer is off to an awesome start, even if it doesn't officially start (for me) until next Saturday. Whenever it arrives, here's to a smoother, less-wet summer than last. Thanks for reading.
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