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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Winds of Change

Not much to report in tonight other than that summer holiday officially began today. I had no obligations to go anywhere or do much of anything today, so, after a track workout at UTSA (high school tracks are still under a path of gravel that would seriously disrupt anything faster than a 10-minute mile) with N---, I headed home and proceeded to play Lego Star Wars for the better part of the morning. After some piddling around the house (and a nap with the cat), I headed out for the Tuesday night ride in Cibolo. Boy, did that suck.

The wind has been blowing nearly non-stop for the past week or two -- and it's been more than a gentle summer breeze. Tonight's wind was so fierce, I almost considered abandoning the ride with J--- & B--- because I was having so much difficulty controlling my bike (oh, yeah, forgot to mention: the top tube now sports a really neat indention, courtesy of a concrete pylon at the Shell station on 281; no word from Cdale, but I'm not exactly holding my breath). A short while later, though, we caught the tailwind and cruised at ridiculous speeds. I ran out of gears on the flat stretches, hitting nearly 40 in some areas. Imagine if my legs hadn't been shot from the morning's track workout.

Gads. So much babble. I need to wrap this up and head to bed. More later, depending on how bored I get during the summer. Thanks for reading.

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